“How Are You Doing?”

Christopher Soriano-Palma
2 min readMar 14, 2024

A Poem

Photo by Des Récits on Unsplash

I’m good.

Just want to run away.

I’ve been feeling a little weird, weird as in dreadful,

a black hole forming near my heart that stops

the life/light from flowing through me.

I was thinking about my friend.

The dead one across the ocean.

No time to mourn because I’ve been swamped

with work. Drowning in it. Doing what I can

to ignore my shallow breathing,

deaths of global citizens, the hour-by-hour

the country descends into lunacy and sorrow.

Look at these headlines.

Look at this paperwork.

Look at how I’m still miraculously able

to get my sad ass out of bed, dragging myself

to a job that — oh, I’ll just say it —

feels like a prison. A work environment

willing to change me rather

than me change it.

I’m just tired.

I guess from the walks I take

to clear my head.



Christopher Soriano-Palma

Writer and Bookseller. Contributor for Reclamation Magazine. Twitter: @ChSoriPalma. https://linktr.ee/chsoripalma