The Time to Write it is Now

Christopher Soriano-Palma
4 min readMar 19, 2024

You don’t find the time, you make the time

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Just last week, I started writing a brand new novel. It was a story that I came up with a while back, and so I finally chose to start putting it down on paper — or Word doc. I’ve worked on it for three days now, and I’m happy to say that I’m making good progress.

So, when I say that I’ve mulled it over for a while, I mean it’s been months. No, actually. It’s been years. It was a story I came up with in 2019. I remember working on a short story and brainstorming it into a novel like I do with all my short fiction. As exciting as that idea would have been, I put it aside. I was already working on another book. I had also just moved to Los Angeles, and the filmmaking bug had bitten me to try my hand at screenwriting. I kept the draft of the short story. I promised myself I would get to it eventually, but I also wanted to work on other things as well.

Flash forward to 2024, and I just started to work on it. This has been true for a lot of my writing for the past 5 years. During that time, I had gotten my first full-time job in my life. I moved back to my hometown, and then back to LA again. I got my first apartment and then moved out. The pandemic happened, and I felt too overwhelmed by current events to write anything under lockdown or reopening. Though I was working on some screenplays, the Hollywood…



Christopher Soriano-Palma

Writer and Bookseller. Contributor for Reclamation Magazine. Twitter: @ChSoriPalma.